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Patch/Module Settings

Module and Patch Display Settings

The Patch View page and Module View page each have their own display settings menu. These menus control how mappings and cables are drawn when viewing modules and their connections.

  • Patch View display settings

    The Patch View display settings menu is found by clicking on the gear icon when viewing a patch.

    Patch View Gear icon

  • Patch View Settings Menu

  • Module View display settings:

    The Module View display settings menu is found by clicking on a module in a patch and then clicking on the gear icon at the top.

    Module Action Menu icon

  • Module View Settings Menu

Control Maps

These options set how control mappings (knob, switch, and button maps) are displayed.

  • Show Control Maps: toggles whether to hide or show a colored ring around controls that are mapped. The color corresponds to the panel knob it's mapped to.

  • Opacity: How opaque or transparent to draw the colored rings.

  • Flash When Moved: Whether to flash the colored ring when its panel knob is moved. This can be turned on even if Show Control Maps is off.

Panel Jack Maps

These options set how jack mappings to the panel are displayed.

  • Show Panel Jack Maps: toggles whether to hide or show a colored circle on jacks that are mapped to the panel. The color corresponds to the panel jack it's mapped to.

  • Opacity: How opaque or transparent to draw the circles. If Opacity is more than about 40%, the number of the jack will be drawn inside the circle.

Always Show Maps

Enabling this option will hide control and jack maps when you are viewing a patch while a different patch is playing (or paused). This option is disabled if both Show Control Maps and Show Panel Jack Maps are off.

Show On All Modules

(Patch View only) When this option is enabled, maps will be drawn on all modules in the patch. When this is disabled, maps will be drawn on only the module that's currently focussed. This option is disabled if both Show Control Maps and Show Panel Jack Maps are off.


  • Show Cables: (Patch View only) Toggles whether to draw cables connecting modules.

  • Highlight Patched Jacks: (Module View only) Toggles whether to draw a colored square on jacks that have an internal cable patched to them. Output jacks have a square drawn around the outside of the jack, and input jacks have a square drawn on the inside of the jack. The color of the square matches the color of the cable as seen in the patch view.

  • Opacity: How opaque or transparent to draw the cables or squares.

Patch Name and Description

  • Patch Description

    The Patch Description page is opened by clicking the (I) info icon when viewing a patch.

  • Patch View Info icon

  • The patch name, description, MIDI polyphony channels (if MIDI notes are mapped) are shown.

  • Patch View Description

  • Click Edit to edit the patch name or description.

    Note that the patch name can be different than the file name.

  • Patch View Description Edit

Patch File Menu

  • Patch File Menu

    The Patch File Menu is opened by clicking the file/disk icon when viewing a patch.

    While focused on the file icon the file name will be shown (note, this may be different than the patch name).

  • Patch View Disk icon

  • Save, Duplicate (Save As), Revert, or Delete

  • File Menu

  • Save: save the patch file

    This will save the current state of the patch including the position of all knobs, switches, and buttons. All mappings will be saved.

    If you ejected the disk, then the patch will not save (an error will be shown). In this case, either re-insert the disk and click Save again, or click Duplicate to save in a different location.

  • Duplicate: save a copy of the patch

    Clicking this will bring up a window where you can change the patch name and/or disk or sub-folder.

    The new patch file will be opened after the old one is duplicated, but if the old one was playing, it will still be playing.

  • Duplicate

  • Revert: Revert all changes to the patch file

    This will re-load the patch file from disk, losing all changes. It cannot be un-done.

    If you ejected the disk that the patch file lives on, then the patch cannot be reverted since the original file cannot be loaded.

  • Delete: Delete the patch file

    This will delete the patch file from disk. It cannot be un-done.

    If you ejected the disk that the patch file lives on, then the patch cannot be reverted since the original file cannot be loaded.