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Installing Plugins

  • 1. Click Settings in the Main Menu

Main Menu

  • 2. Click Plugins

System Menu

  • 3. Download plugins to a USB drive or SD Card

    Use the Plugins link above.

    Save each .mmplugin file to the USB or SD Card. You can put them in the root directory, or in a folder called metamodule-plugins

USB Drive contents

  • 4. Insert the drive into the MetaModule and click Scan disks

    Click a plugin to load it.

Plugins Found


If you always want a plugin to load when you power on, you can tell the MetaModule to Auto-load it.

Note: A USB drive or microSD card containing the plugin file must be installed in the MetaModule when you power on. If not, then you can load the plugin normally after startup.

  • 1. Click a plugin name under PLUGINS LOADED

    If the plugin is not yet loaded, then follow the instructions above.

Plugins Found

  • 2. Check Auto-load

    The auto-load status of a plugin is saved. The next time you power on, the MetaModule will search the USB drive and SD Card for a plugin with a matching name.

    Note: The wrong version may get loaded if you have different versions of the same plugin on an SD Card and a USB Drive, or different versions in the metamodule-plugins/ folder and in the root directory.

Plugins Found

Viewing the modules in a plugin

  • 1. Click New Patch from the Main Menu

    Alternatively, you can click the + icon on an existing patch.

New Patch

  • 2. Click the name of the plugin, then browse the modules

    Click on any module to view it without the roller menu.

    If you click a second time, the module will be added to the current patch.

Airwindows modules